River of Life and Center- Christ Supreme

These two live paintings were the first works that Alexis Newsom and I collaborated on in Seoul Korea during the L4 Global Congress. Both are 62x64” acrylic on stretch canvas. 2024.

River of Life 62x64” acrylic on canvas by Bryn Gillette and Alexis Newsom

Center- Christ Supreme 62x64” acrylic on canvas by Bryn Gillette and Alexis Newsom

After traveling around the world and emerging into the hubbub of 5000+ participants, 1000 volunteers and staff, from 200+ nations, we were absolutely spinning as we rolled out large canvases and tried to find the necessary tools to build quick stretchers to work large. The auditorium was absolutely massive, with the largest TV display (nearly 300ft in curved width behind the stage), and a sea of brothers and sisters standing around us. Strangely enough, when the work and worship began, it was as natural and normal as painting anywhere else… and Lexi and I quickly lost ourself in the work. River of Life was inspired by the very first images of the conference of water flowing across the entire massive screen… and the streams and rivers of all these tongues and tribes and nations flowing into one place to worship Christ… the golden stream uniting the figures of the imagery. Lexi’s large format style and expressive colors and marks shaped the mood while the figures of my historic touch began to march through the painting rising to the top right. Center- Christ Supreme unfolded to a backdrop of amazing teaching about Christ reconciling the division and tension and injustices of our human condition. I thought of T.S. Eliots quote that Christ is the “Stillpoint” of the spinning universe… or as in Colossians 1, that Christ is supreme over all creation. Christ existed before anything else, and God made everything through him and for him… and he holds all of creation together. May we hold Christ as supreme!

Lausanne Movement Pillar 1: The Gospel for Every Person

Lausanne Pillar 1: The Gospel for Every Person. 32x20”. Acrylic on birch panel. 2016

To highlight some ingredients that were placed in the painting: a central fisherman is casting his net over the entire world (each continent outline in gold), seen from an unexpected, sideways vantage, while a central cross comprised by the equator and international dateline anchor the work.  The net sparkles with the burst of blue and white light scattered across the globe as seen from satellite photography of current population densities and prophetically declares our prayer that God’s love would enfold every people group on earth and flood the remaining darkness with the light of the gospel.

Here you can see more clearly the underlying global map with the continents oriented in a more familiar layout. The decision to turn the world on its side was a prophetic symbol of the way the gospel turns this world on its head, and the qualities of our “upside-down Kingdom” (service, humility, sacrificial love, generosity, forgiveness) are so often running at odds with the priorities of our world.

Here is the Lausanne Movement’s president Dr. Michael Oh presenting the Pillar 1 painting for the first time at the Younger Leaders Gathering in Jakarta, Indonesia August 2016.

Near each continent on the globe is a depiction of the indigenous people in their cultural attire.

At first I’d painstakingly painted the entire globe noting every curve and edge along the shorelines, and intentionally avoiding the manmade borders and distinctions history has imposed on the land. After hours and hours of prayerfully considering the vastness of this world and just how little I really knew of all these places, I felt the Lord lead me to paint it all AGAIN, but this time as seen from satellite photos at night, the blue/white lights illuminating our planet showing clearly where the greatest gatherings of population and our globally urbanizing and shifting world. I found myself again praying over cities, lights, the hubs of humanity across our planet, and only after completing these two passes over the entire painting did I begin adding my originally intended figurative elements. I didn’t realize it at the time, but God was stretching ME, not the work, so that I could more deeply appreciate and stand in awe of the scope of what it meant that the gospel is for EVERY PERSON on our planet. This vessel had to be broken and remade in order to hold the weight of the assignment to paint pillar 1!

Lausanne Movement 40th Anniversary 2014 "Sunflowers"

The Lausanne Movement’s 40th Anniversary

“Lausanne Movement 40th Anniversary - Sunflowers”. 2014. Oil and gold leaf on wooden panel. Approximately 30x40”

I was given the amazing opportunity to paint an image for the 40th anniversary of the Lausanne Movement, founded by Billy Graham and John Stott in 1974 in Lausanne, Switzerland. With all of the living former presidents assembled, current president Dr. Michael Oh shared a powerful homily from Psalm 123 about keeping sensitive to the Lord’s leading. Like heliotropic sunflowers that turn their heads throughout the day to track the sun’s progression through the sky, so should we keep looking at the “Son” for our life and direction. I had the honor to present the work and share my heart in making it, and was led to share that I had found that only young sunflowers turn their heads with the sun while the older flowers get “stiff necked” and face east instead to maximize the light. I admonished the Movement to retain a posture of childlike faith, ready to embrace the meta-modern era of global history, and to stay docile and sensitive to the Lord’s realtime leading. Little did I know that my meeting that night with Leighton Ford would have a significant impact in my life. I knew him only as the man who told me to say hello to my pastor Rev. Dr. Clive Calver whose word to Leighton years previously from Isaiah about the Lord doing a new thing had changed him. I didn’t know at the time that this was the lifetime honorary chair of the Lausanne Movement, that this was Billy Graham’s brother-in-law, and that two years later I would move onto the same street in Charlotte, NC where Leighton was taking painting lessons (for 10+ years), or that his mentorship and support would significantly shape the coming season of my life.

Psalm 123 - A song for pilgrims ascending to Jerusalem. NLT

I lift my eyes to you,
    O God, enthroned in heaven.
We keep looking to the Lord our God for his mercy,
    just as servants keep their eyes on their master,
    as a slave girl watches her mistress for the slightest signal.
Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy,
    for we have had our fill of contempt.
We have had more than our fill of the scoffing of the proud
    and the contempt of the arrogant.

Here are four of the presidents of Lausanne at Eastern college during the unveiling of “Sunflowers” (watching from the left) retelling the story of the Movement. This was my first time sitting at a table with the Global bride from every region of the world represented. It was a homecoming; these are my people!


On Saturday Nov. 11, 2023, I captured the wedding of Tristan & Addison Shea in a live painting. In this video, I offer my blessing to them, explaining how I saw God’s presence in the way the cross that stood over and between them was illuminated by the light in the fall foliage.